AVERAGE function: To calculate the average of a range of cells in MS Excel, we can use the Average function.
So, the formula to get the Average of E4 to E9 columns values are '=AVERAGE(E4:E9)'.
Now, we can see the average result of all 6 students as follows.AVERAGEIF function: AVERAGEIF
function is used to calculate averages with only one criteria. In the below example
we want to calculate the average result of only female students. So, We use
AVERAGEIF function with criteria of “F”(Female students).
So, the formula to calculate
the Average of C4 to C9 columns values with criteria “F” on the column E4 to E9 is' =AVERAGEIF(C4:C9,”F”,E4:E9)'.
AVERAGEIFS function is used to calculate
average of cell value with multiple
So in the below example, we
want to calculate the average of Male students who are 13 years old. So in this
situation, we have two criteria under the sex column “M”(Male) and under the Age column, the criteria are “13”. The value of the E column only if the C column value is
"M" and the D column value is "13".
So our formula will
be '=AVERAGEIFS(E4:E9, C4:C9, "M",
D4:D9, 13)' .
E4 to E9 is the average range
C4 to C9 is criteria 1 range
“M” is the criteria value for C4
to C9
D4 to D9 is criteria 2 range
13 is criteria value of D4 to D9