How to use Sum, Sumif, and sumifs function in excel?

SUM function: To add a range of cells in MS Excel, we can use SUM function. SUM function can either be used by directly writing in the cell or by clicking on Sum command from the 'Editing' group under 'HOME' tab on the Ribbon.                                                                                                 

So the formula to sum G3 to G8 columns values are '=SUM(G3:G8)'. Sum by clicking on the ribbon

Sum by directly writing in the cel

Here we are adding the values of G3 to G8 cells and the result is shown below

SUMIF function

SUMIF function is also used to sum the range of cells based on one criteria. In the below example, we are adding the value of the G column only when the product cell value TV.

So the formula to sum G3 to G8 columns values with criteria “TV” on the column E3 to E8 are '=SUMIF(E3:E8,”TV”,'G3:G8).

and the result is below.

SUMIFS function

SumIfs function is used to add cell value with multiple criteria

So in the below example, we want to sum the value of the G column only if the E column value is "Mobile" and the F column value is "S8".

 So our formula will be '=SUMIFS(G3:G8, E3:E8, "Mobile", F3:F8, "S8")' or '=SUMIFS(G3:G8, E3:E8, E6 F3:F8, F4'.

Because: E6=”mobile” and F4=”S8”.


G3 to G8 is the sum range
E3:E8 is criteria 1 range
"Mobile" is the criteria value of E3:E8
F3:F8 is criteria 2 range
"S8" is the criteria value of F3:F8

So the result is below.