JavaScript provides various types of operators. Arithmetic operators are one of the basic operators of JavaScript. Arithmetic operators are used to performing arithmetic operations. In this tutorial, we will see the types of Arithmetic operators and how to use them.
The following operators are javascript Arithmetic operators.
  • "+" Addition operator.
  • "-" Subtraction operator.
  • "*" Multiplication operator.
  • "/" Division operator.
  • "%" Modulus operator.
  • "**" Exponential operator.
  • "++" Increment operator.
  • "--" Decrement operator.

In Arithmetic operation, the numbers are called Operands. The operands are literals, variables, or Expressions. 

<script type="text/javascript">
	var a= 5+7;      //operand are litrals.
	var b=10;
	var c=a+b;       //operands are variables.
	var d=(30-5)/10; //operands are Expressions.

1) Addition operation(+)
Addition operators are used to performing addition operations or used to add numbers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<h3>JS Addition operation</h3>
	<p id="p1"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var a= 75;      
	var b=10;
	var c=a+b;       
	document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML= "C="+c;

JS Addition operation

2) Subtraction operation(-)
The subtraction operator is used to subtract numbers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<h3>JS subtraction operation</h3>
	<p id="p2"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var d= 75;      
	var e=10;
	var f=d-e;       
	document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML= "f="+f;

JS subtraction operation

3) Multiplication operation(*)
The multiplication operator is used to multiply numbers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<h3>JS Multiplication operation</h3>
	<p id="p3"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var x= 75;      
	var y=10;
	var z=x*y;       
	document.getElementById("p3").innerHTML= "Z="+z;

JS Multiplication operation

4) Division operation(/)
The division operator is used to divide numbers or used to find the quotient.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<h3>JS Division operation</h3>
	<p id="p4"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	let p= 150;      
	let q=3;
	let r=p/q;       
	document.getElementById("p4").innerHTML= "r="+r;


JS Division operation

5) Modulus(Remainder) operation(%)
The modulus operator is used to return remainders.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<h3>JS Modulus operation</h3>
	<p id="p5"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	let m= 150%4;          
	document.getElementById("p5").innerHTML= "remainder="+m;

JS Modulus operation

6)Increment(++) and Decrement(--) operations
The increment operator is used for increment numbers and the decrement operator is used for decrement numbers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<h3>JS Inc/Dec operation</h3>
	<p id="p6"></p>
	<p id="p7"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
	let i= 6;
	i++; //the value of i increase by 1
	let d=10;
	d--; //the value of d decrease by 1       
	document.getElementById("p6").innerHTML= "i="+i;
	document.getElementById("p7").innerHTML= "d="+d;
