The JS if-else statement is used to execute the code based on the given conditions. There are three types of if statements.

  1. If statements
  2. If ... else statements
  3. If ... elseif statements
1) JavaScript If statement

The JavaScript If statement executes the code when only if the condition is true.

Syntax of if statement

Flow chart of If statement
    let x=10;
    if (x>8) {
        document.write("The value of x is greater than 8");
  2) JavaScript If-else statement
JavaScript if-else statement evaluates whether the condition is true or false. If the condition is true it executes the if code(Statement 1) or If false it executes the else code(Statement 2).

Syntax of if-else statement
  if (expression) {
            //ifcode(statement 1) to be evaluated if condition is true
            //elsecode(statement 2) to be evaluated if condition is false

Flow chart of
If-else statement

        var x=10;
        var y=15;
        if (x>y) {
            document.write("x is greater than y");
            document.write("x is less than y");
3) JavaScript If-else if statement
JavaScript if-else if statement evaluates whether the first condition is true or false. If the condition is true it executes the if code otherwise jumps to the next else if condition and evaluates it until the condition will be true or until it gets the else statement.
Syntax of if-elseif statement
 if (condition1) {
            //statement  to be excuted if condition 1 is true
        else if (condition2) {
            //statement  to be excuted if condition1 is false and condition2 is true
        }else if (condition3) {
            //statement  to be excuted if condition1 and 2 are false and condition3 is true
            //statement  to be excuted if condition1,2 and 3 are false 

Flow chart of If-else if statement

<!DOCTYPE html>
        var x=10;
        var y=15;
        if (x>y) {
            document.write("x is greater than y");
        else if (x==y) {
            document.write("x and y are equal");
        }else if (x===y) {
            document.write("x and y are identical");
            document.write("x is less than y");


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